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Michael Batts

USPSA matches combine drawing from a holster, rapid engagement of multiple targets (paper and steel), reloading the handgun under time constraints, movement between shooting positions, shooting through, around, over, and under walls and props of all types, and analyzing a given shooting situation to provide one of the most exciting and challenging of the shooting sports!

This event will be held on the 2nd Sunday from 7:00am to 3:00pm from March to November on ranges 1/2/3/4.  Always verify dates, times and cancellations on our PCSI website calendar.


What is USPSA (Practical Shooting)? USPSA matches combine drawing from a holster, rapid engagement of multiple targets (paper and steel), reloading the handgun under time constraints, movement between shooting positions, shooting through, around, over, and under walls and props of all types, and analyzing a given shooting situation to provide one of the most exciting and challenging of the shooting sports! USPSA is largely "run and gun"! Targets are man-sized silhouettes and reactive (knockdown) steel at ranges from 6 feet to 50 yards. Scoring is based on the accuracy of target hits, time taken to complete the course, and the power (caliber and muzzle velocity) of the handgun used. It's fun to watch, and even more fun to do!

USPSA competition allows you to enjoy recreational competition with your handgun while developing your gun handling skills. You compete against shooters with similar handguns: Open Division for custom handguns with scopes, compensator ports, extended magazines, etc., Production Division for box-stock double-action handguns (SIGs, Glocks, XDs, etc.); Limited Division for high-capacity handguns without compensators or scopes; Limited.10 Division for Limited handguns loaded with a maximum of 10 rounds; Single Stack for the 1911 types, and Revolver Division for (wait for it!) revolvers! The United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) is the US regional organization of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), and our matches are sanctioned by these organizations. Matches are held all over the USA and the World, including at the ranges of several clubs in Ohio.  A typical match in Ohio consists of five courses of fire requiring a minimum of 140 rounds to complete. Equal scoring emphasis is place on speed and accuracy, and you do not need to be an athlete to compete and have fun!

Can I really shoot in USPSA matches? Yes! People in Central Ohio from every walk of life. photographers, mechanics, housewives, engineers, law enforcement officers, artists, office managers, school teachers, businessmen, retirees, students, etc. participate locally in the same type of competition you've read about in the major gun magazines and seen on TNN, ESPN, and The Outdoor Channel. New participants are pleasantly surprised at how helpful everyone is! Everyone is welcome, whether to observe or to participate: you do not need to be a member of any club or organization! Entry fee is $20. We require Junior shooters to be accompanied by a parent or guardian, but safe shooters of all ages are welcome to participate! Is it safe? Yes! USPSA matches Worldwide have an enviable record of safety over the years. Safety rules are strictly enforced! Each competitor is closely supervised while shooting a course of fire by an experienced Range Officer. Handguns are handled and loaded only at the firing line, and any violation of this results in Match Disqualification. But I don't know the rules…As with any competition, we have our rulebook.  At your first match, we'll give you a familiarization session, identifying the safety rules and key competition rules. We'll pair you with an experienced USPSA shooter who stays with you through your first match, gives you advice, and answers all your questions. The Range Officer at each course of fire will talk you through each step of preparing for each course of fire, and will watch you carefully while you shoot. We want your first match to be a safe and enjoyable experience (and we all had a first match!) What equipment do I need? You don't need an expensive, custom-built handgun: you can likely shoot what you already have! The handgun used must be 9mm/.38 caliber or larger. You will require enough magazines or speedloaders to hold at least 32 rounds (more is better!). You will need a holster that completely covers the trigger guard, and magazine holders for your belt. Each match will require a minimum of 100 rounds (bring 150 - 200). Hearing and eye protection is mandatory!

For additional information on USPSA, please see the official USPSA website.

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